Baxter Block Stacking
March 23, 2015
Baxter - Block Stacking
The goal of this project was to locate blocks and stack them into a tower using Baxter. While the task may sound simple, this project involved extensive knowledge of forward and inverse kinematics, motion planning, and machine vision. The use of ROS, MoveIt!, and OpenCV also provided experience in working with complex open-source projects.
- Locate blocks using OpenCV and Baxter’s hand cameras
- Pick up and stack blocks using MoveIt!
This project has been presented as a demo at the Museum of Science and Industry and the National Restaurant Show in Chicago. In addition to presenting demos I also got to experience setting up and taking down Baxter for transportation purposes. The project write up has served as a stepping stool for the following year’s Embedded Systems Class final projects.
For more information please visit my GitHub page.